Barry harshfield on Rachel Adams in isolation: “You wear that jacket better than most models” Feb 1, 20:46
Kieran on Kerry – straitjacket, muzzle gag, and blindfold: “Kerry looks absolutely gorgeous!! One of the finest gals to ever put on a straitjacket. Would she perhaps like to…” Jan 5, 05:21
Josh on Straitpants and straitjacket challenge: “I’d really love to know where I can get that straitjacket and leg binder to add to my collection. Would…” Dec 5, 16:04
She is one of the most cutest girl’s that is on this website, she is just amazing.
Keep up the good work!
Absolutely agree there VilotStar. Would love to see her naked (or close to), strapped down with all the Segufix.