AWESOME a new fixer-bed vid!!! :-DDD
The wait between these is way too long they should be like every 2 or 3 weeks at most right guys? ;-)))
I agree with syra that it’d be nice if the torso strap was there too, and of course if she had diapers hehe, but otherwise always glad to see a new Segubed vid!! :-DDD
Barry harshfield on Rachel Adams in isolation: “You wear that jacket better than most models” Feb 1, 20:46
Kieran on Kerry – straitjacket, muzzle gag, and blindfold: “Kerry looks absolutely gorgeous!! One of the finest gals to ever put on a straitjacket. Would she perhaps like to…” Jan 5, 05:21
Josh on Straitpants and straitjacket challenge: “I’d really love to know where I can get that straitjacket and leg binder to add to my collection. Would…” Dec 5, 16:04
Nice, just wish the entire segufix set was used…and a neck brace ;)
AWESOME a new fixer-bed vid!!! :-DDD
The wait between these is way too long they should be like every 2 or 3 weeks at most right guys? ;-)))
I agree with syra that it’d be nice if the torso strap was there too, and of course if she had diapers hehe, but otherwise always glad to see a new Segubed vid!! :-DDD
Thank you for using the bondage mittens. That way Tiffany can’t give the finger out of protest!
Lol that’s saying it Michael. ;-) Plus she can’t try to escape by messing with the locking buttons hehe. ;-D
Segufix. Every girl should have one. or at least spend considerable time in one :P