Barry harshfield on Rachel Adams in isolation: “You wear that jacket better than most models” Feb 1, 20:46
Kieran on Kerry – straitjacket, muzzle gag, and blindfold: “Kerry looks absolutely gorgeous!! One of the finest gals to ever put on a straitjacket. Would she perhaps like to…” Jan 5, 05:21
Josh on Straitpants and straitjacket challenge: “I’d really love to know where I can get that straitjacket and leg binder to add to my collection. Would…” Dec 5, 16:04
Maybe we took it too far this time?
Nope ! The Right time for her First Time.
Next Time make it 6 Hours ! :)
No, not to long at all. Maybe next time add the strait pants.
Humane restraints on her ankles and a spreader bar next time please !
If you want to excuse for the Hour, put her in a Posey S, and a short skirt over it, and go out to dinner ! :)
You’re a very nice blonde, in a SJ an hour? that must have been hard,
imagine if you had to go to the loo? hmmm…. maybe I could re-tighten it?
is it possible i saw her last time on craig nelsons page ?!
That may be possible, but this site is much better of course ;-)
Sure, who say´s anything else ?! :)
what type of straitjacket is this admin?
Can’t beat good strong straight jacket very nice and to wear good